Releasing xtensor-python
Releasing a new version
From the master branch of xtensor-python
Make sure that you are in sync with the master branch of the upstream remote.
In file
to the desired values.Update the readme file w.r.t. dependencies on xtensor and pybind11.
Stage the changes (
git add
), commit the changes (git commit
) and add a tag of the formMajor.minor.patch
. It is important to not add any other content to the tag name.Push the new commit and tag to the main repository. (
git push
, andgit push --tags
Updating the conda-forge recipe
xtensor-python has been packaged for the conda package manager. Once the new tag has been pushed on GitHub, edit the conda-forge recipe for xtensor in the following fashion:
Update the version number to the new Major.minor.patch.
Set the build number to 0.
Update the hash of the source tarball.
Check for the versions of the dependencies.
Optionally, rerender the conda-forge feedstock.